Empirical research in IMBRACE will focus on 6 cities in Europe: Antwerp, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Dublin and Marseilles. These are all big cities with large communities of immigrants that have in the last decades come to Europe from different parts of the majority world. These cities, during the last 10-15 years, have been facing the impacts of climate change through extreme and prolonged heat periods, severe rainfall and flooding episodes, and the spread of diseases that these phenomena propagate, such as waterborne and vector-borne disease.
We choose to look at heat and related health impacts in Athens, Berlin and Barcelona, extreme rain and flooding related impacts in Dublin, Antwerp and Marseilles, with water- and vector-borne disease being a cross-cutting theme which will be examined in all locations.

Barcelona, Spain
Marseilles, France
Antwerp, Belgium
Dublin, Ireland
Berlin, Germany
Athens, Greece